3 Things to Help You Get Started When You Say,
"I Have Decided to Follow Jesus"
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This Post will Help You Complete Week 8
As we near the end of our journey, in the eighth week, we reflect on why you should choose Jesus as your savior and what to do next.
It's not something I can talk you into. Something in you has to be ready for a change. Ready for more.
The truth is that Jesus offers the only way to eternal life, peace, and a relationship with God. Romans 3:23 explains that all have sinned, which means we can't be in God's presence or his kingdom. We learned in Week 7 that Jesus made a way to break free from sin, so you can enter the kingdom of God.
Story Time:
Here's an example that may help you understand why you have to choose Jesus.
Imagine that you're have a family gathering at your house with all the people you love the most.
Someone calls asking if they can come, sharing that they had a deadly illness. While there is a cure, the person didn't want to follow the doctor's instructions because they were too demanding. They didn't have time to do all that was required.
Would you allow that person in, knowing they could infect all the people you love with their deadly illness?
I wouldn't.
No matter how much I loved the person. I would feel a responsibility to protect the rest of the family from getting infected. I would tell them they could come once they had taken the remedy and were well.
I realize this isn't the perfect analogy, but you get the idea. God can't allow us into his kingdom while were are still infected with sin. Jesus is the only way to get free from it.
If you want in, you have to choose him as your Savior, surrender your life to him, and make an effort to live according to his ways.
What do you want?
For those who want in read this.
Help to Begin Your Journey With Jesus
For those wanting to make a personal decision let me talk you through it.
Admit you have sinned & ask for forgiveness.
Tell him you believe he died for yours sins and rose again from the dead.
Invite him into your heart and into your life.
Talk to a Spiritual Leader about getting baptized.

The Shift to a Higher Way of Thinking
What Now?
Acts 2:38 explains that after you repent and are baptized for the forgiveness of sins, you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.2 Corinthians 1:21-22
This creates a beautiful picture that God gives us the power to be established in the ways and truth of Christ. This gives us the strength to do his will.
His anointing relates to the Holy Spirit. The picture was often created by dumping oil on the person's head to set them apart.
His seal of ownership is upon our hearts, showing we belong to him.
His Spirit means we are under his influence and guidance.
Its time to pursue Transformation through action in your daily life.
Get involved with a church.
Spend time with God each day through studying the Bible and reflection.
Pray and Partner with God in your daily decisions.
Serve others with a loving heart.
Share your testimonies and what you have found through Christ.

Week 8 Why Choose Jesus?
Teen Bible Study
Short Cut to Fill in Your Daily Verses
Look for the small page number on each picture. Some pages have multiple verses
Write the verse on your journal page.
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus!

Helpful Things: