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How to Make Battle Cards- 7 Easy Steps


Instructions To Create a Battle Card

Materials Needed: Note Cards, Markers, Colored Pencils, Pens, Pencils, & Bible

1. Choose Something that Tends to Bother You or You Need Help With.

2. At the Top of Your Note Card...Draw a Short Heading that Describes Your Topic.

- Make it Colorful

- Try Lettering in Creative Ways

3. Search for One or Two Scripture that Relate to Your Topic.


- Google Search: Scripture + your topic

- Use a Topical Website such as Open BIble:

-Bible Hub can show you lots of different translations!

4. Write the Scripture on Your Note Card.

- Highlight Key Words or Phrases

- Mark the verse in your Bible too!

5. Write Notes to Yourself that Help You Gain Perspective.

-God Help Me Handle This Your Way.

- Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness, Gentleness, Self-Control...Let Words Like This Describe Me.

- A Month From Now...will this be a big deal?

- What Was My Part in the Conflict?

-What Could I Have Handled Better?

-Were There Other Factors That Could Have Made the Person Talk That Way?

6. Decorate the Card to make it fun and colorful.

-Doodle pictures

-Draw patterns

-Use Stickers or Washi tapes

-Use Gelatos to add background color

-Do Your Own Thing! Make it Yours

Love Your Neighbor Battle Card

6. Punch a hole on the left corner. Then use a metal ring or ribbon to keep your cards together as you make more!

7. Use the card the next time you feel a battle coming on. It can help you focus your mind on God and stop the problem before it starts.

-Each time use use it, Write the Date and Make a Note on the back of the card.


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