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The High Way Journal: Week 9 Journal Prompts

The High Way Journal, By Kelly Kirstein, is a guided journal that helps you build faith in Jesus. This post offers one slide per day (Days 41-45) with simple questions to help you complete each page of Week 9. Get closer to God one verse at a time.

Day 1: Journal Pg. 58

  1. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you the wisdom to understand what it means to be made alive in Christ.

  2. Before Christ scripture says we were dead in our sin. Are there places in you that feel like they need to be brought back to life? (Emotions, Passions, Love?)

  3. Visualize Jesus pulling you up into Heaven with him. Imagine sitting on his lap or sitting next to him. What would you ask him to

Day 2: Journal Pg. 59

1. Ask Holy Spirit to help you focus your thoughts on things above.

2. Indescribable peace comes from keeping your focus on things above.

Focusing too much on yourself or on problems creates a spin. Emotions take control and make you miserable. Write about the places you are focusing too much on this world.

3. Look to God for what He says about your life. What does he have to say? He always offers hope and a way to move forward in peace through his Holy Spirit.

4. Say, “I am yours, God. You are mind. I want you to bring my thoughts higher.”

Day 3: Journal Pg. 60

  1. Ask God to help you believe and live from the kingdom of light.

  2. Hopeless. Depressed. Anxious. Angry. Hurt. Jesus can deliver us from the darkness that overshadows this life. Just Ask Him to Lead You.

  3. As you listen to him, you will come up out of darkness into the marvelous kingdom of light. The only way you can find a life filled with hope, peace, joy, and more is to follow Jesus. He teaches you to live and stay in the light.

Day 4: Journal Pg. 61

  1. Ask God to give you a vision or a picture of something that helps you understand his kingdom.

  2. The Kingdom of God is higher than this world. It also functions differently...Better.

  3. As we learn to think and act as Children of God, we attract the Kingdom of Heaven in our lives. This makes us noticeably different from people who follow the ways of the world.

  4. Draw a picture of yourself surrounded by light. What would life be like if it was filled with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and more?

Day 5: Journal Pg. 62

  1. Pray for God to purify your heart and make your will line us with God's will.

  2. God only desires for good to happen in this world. Rebellion and sin cause the crime, abuse, and hate we experience from people because it opens them up to be influenced by darkness.

  3. Write about the places that you want God to shine light in your life. Think about things you hide or battle with. God doesn't want that for you.

  4. Draw a picture of a cross. Then draw what you need to lay down at the foot of the cross. Ask God to fill you with light.



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