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Did You Mess Up Big Time? A Prayer to Help You Move Forward

Salvation is so much more than going to Heaven when you die. It's about the fact that through Christ you have the power to overcome anything in life. Even your biggest mistakes.

Don't be afraid to talk to Jesus about your needs. He is waiting for you to come. This post can help you get started.


1. Begin by thanking and praising God. The truth is no matter what you have done he will always love you. His mercy is everlasting.

2. Own up to what you did and express your remorse to the Lord. Repentance goes deeper than confession in that you not only admit to what you did, but you also have remorse about it. It shows you are ready to cut ties with the behavior and want to move forward with Jesus.

3. Reclaim your identity. Picture Jesus reaching out to pull you up and dust you off. Then walk with him as he reminds you of the truth of who you are in him. Your mistakes don't define you or change God's plans for your life.

Read the following Identity Statements from Reason for Hope*Jesus

4. Praise and Thank God that he is making a way forward through Jesus. This is not a one time prayer. Instead you have taken the first steps forward. Joy is a heart posture where you believe that God has good plans for you and works things together for your good. Through continually praying and expressing your gratitude, you can come up higher into God's will and plans for your life. Ask Holy Spirit to direct you as to how to stay on the path with Jesus.


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