Christian Book for Teen Girls
It's never too early to start making good decisions. This journal will teach you the how to know Jesus, how to love people well, and why God's design for family makes life better.
A few minutes a day will open up new opportunities to grow in faith and get you moving towards the future you want.
How to Know Jesus
Establish Your Connection: Take a moment to ask Holy Spirit to bring to mind where Jesus was on one of the good days in your life? Try to visualize where he was. Next to you? In the crowd? Jumping up and down cheering you on by the sidelines? Thank him for always being there for you.
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Day 1: Journal Pg. 17

Thought: This verse tells us that we may know Jesus. He is the one that gives understanding of who he is.
Question: Describe your relationship with Jesus.
What age were you when the relationship started?
Do you have any stories of how he has helped you?
Write out things that would describe him.
Question: How do you think your relationship with Jesus develops over time?
Day 2: Journal Pg. 18

Commentary: Ellicott's Commentary explains that the term holy in this verse refers to a holy purity. Blameless points to a freedom from evil. Jesus wasn't polluted by sin. He lived among sinner, yet was sinless, which set him apart. (
Commentary: Bensons Commentary says, "1st, He offered no sacrifice for himself, but only for the people. 2d, He did not offer that sacrifice annually, but once for all. 3d, The sacrifice which he offered was not of calves and goats, but of himself.” (
Question: Looking at Benson's Commentary, how was Jesus' sacrifice on the cross different than the sacrifices done before?
Hint: The Jewish high-priests made yearly sacrifices to atone for sin.
Question: Why couldn't any other person on earth pay the penalty for sin?
Day 3: Journal Pg. 19

Definition: Atonement-"refers to the needed reconciliation between sinful mankind and the holy God. This reconciliation is possible through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, as expressed in Romans 3:25, Romans 5:11, and Romans 5:19." (
Question: Think of an example of something that you know you shouldn't do, but feel tempted to do. How could you partner with Jesus to get through the moment the next time that temptation comes up?
Day 4: Journal Pg. 20
Do the Relationship Inventory
Thought: If you are doing this study, then you have been drawn to Jesus.
Question: What caused you to decide to do this study? Or what drew you to Chicks?
Be honest about your feelings now. Then express where you hope to be in the future.
Are you stuck? Loving Jesus changes you. Talk to God about the things holding you back from Jesus. Or your desire to love him.
Grateful: The Bible teaches that the good things in our lives come from God. Think of your best days in your life, or the things you love the most. Thank him for that.
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2022 Chicks Study Journal
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