Jesus is Real. So many believers go through life never recognizing all the ways he's working for our good. Let me teach you how to see the world from a higher perspective, so you can see God everywhere.
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How to Recognize God's Voice
Establish Your Connection: Try turning on some worship music or soothing music to relax your heart and mind. Take a deep breath and ask Holy Spirit to fill you up with his presence. Smile knowing he hears you and is faithful to answer your request. Even if you don't feel anything, trust God has answered your prayer.
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Day 1: Journal Pgs. 30-32

Commentary: "We cannot be too careful to observe that our Lord’s thoughts of “eternal life” is never of the future only. It is a development, rather than a simply future existence. We shall live eternally, because we now live spiritually in communion with the Spirit who is Eternal." Ellicott's Commentary,
Question: List all the things Jesus says about his sheep in this passage. Why should you expect to hear His voice?
Thought: We not only need to hear his voice, but following means we need to obey what he says.
Question: Describe the emotions it stirs up in you when you heart the word obey.
Day 2: Journal Pgs. 33

Sheep: Jesus often used sheep as an example of how they depend on the shepherd. They are social animals that gather in flocks. The shepherd knew the sheep by name and they recognized his voice.
Symbolism: In this verse Jesus is the shepherd of the flock/ God's people. He knows each person by name and leads them. Again it talks about knowing his voice.
Question: Why do you think Jesus used the picture of sheep and their shepherd in these verse?
Day 3: Journal Pgs. 34

Context: Romans 10:5 says "For Moses writes about the righteousness that is based on the law, that the person who does the commandments shall live by them. Verse 10:10 says "For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved."
Thought: In the Old Testament righteousness came through obedience to the law. In the New Covenant righteousness comes through Christ. This means people must believe in Jesus with their heart and confess him as Lord of their lives to be saved.
Question: 1. First there must be someone to share the Gospel message with you. Who is that in your life? 2. Are you willing to hear the message of Christ the person is sharing with you?
Day 4: Journal Pgs. 35

Context: In the verse John 8:42 "Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I came from God and I am here. I came not of my own accord, but he sent me."
Question: Imagine God talking to an unbeliever. Why do you think they wouldn't be able to hear the message that Jesus is the Savior?
Thought: In order to hear, we must be willing to listen.
Question: Why do people have to be willing to listen to God in order to understand his message?
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