Jesus is Real. So many believers go through life never recognizing all the ways he's working for our good. Let me teach you how to see the world from a higher perspective, so you can see God everywhere.
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Strategies to Win at Life
Establish Your Connection: Choosing Jesus as your Savior means you are more than a conqueror of the battles of this world. You are meant to live a life of freedom in relationship with Jesus. No one can condemn you or separate you from the love of Jesus. Ask Holy Spirit to help you live from the identity that you belong to him, so you are made to win.
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Day 1: Journal Pg. 61

Thought: In the beginning of the verse Paul is reminding us that God has given him the privilege and authority of an apostle to to teach them about a life in Christ.
Commentary: Matthew Poole's Commentary says that for those who have a gift or a calling in the church, they need to be careful not to become proud or conceited.
Question: Why do you think Paul reminds people that it was God who gave him the privilege?
Thought/Question: The verses following Romans 12:3 talk about how people have different gifts according to the grace given to them. What happens when people think too highly of themselves?
Day 2: Journal Pg. 62-63

Commentary: "Romans 11:25–32 talks about God's plans for His Israelite people...Israel remains deeply loved by God because of His irrevocable promises and calling for them. "In the end, God will show mercy to all Jews and Gentiles who come to Him through faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins." (
Biblical Definitions: Write these in your journal
Gentile: a person of a non-Jewish nation or of non-Jewish faith
Israel: The Jewish People...chosen by God.
Jew: one whose religion is Judaism
Judaism: a religion developed among the ancient Hebrews and characterized by belief in one transcendent God who has revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew prophets and by a religious life in accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions. (
Question: What is the difference between Jew & Gentile?
Question: How do you think people benefit from the fact that gifts and callings are irrevocable?
Day 3: Journal Pg. 64

Commentary: Barnes' Notes explains that this verse shows there is conflict between faith and the world. Satan rules the darkness of the world. Jesus overcame the world, through him we gain victory over the world. (
How did we gain victory? Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ 1 John 5:5; connected to Jesus who overcame the world John 16:33. It is by that faith which makes us one with him, and that saturates us with his Spirit. (
Question: Draw a picture and/or explain how being saturated by the Holy Spirit should change a person.
Reflection: In your own words, describe how a person can gain victory over the world through Christ.
Day 4: Journal Pg. 65

Commentary: Ellicott's commentary says that the illustration shows that victory comes from enduring difficulty. That the athlete must also submit to the strict rules, if he hopes to win a prize. (
Thought: In 2 Timothy, Paul was encouraging Timothy to be strong and to share what Paul had taught him. He invites Timothy to join in spreading the message of Christ. The picture of the hardworking athlete is intended to help Timothy endure.
Question: List activities have you chosen to play or participate in?
List the ones you have no desire to be part of.
Why do you participate in some activities and not others?
Reflection: Thinking about Olympic athletes. That do you think drives them to work so hard?
Question: 2 Timothy 2 makes sharing the message of Christ sound hard. How do you think people find the endurance and drive to do it?
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