Looking for a simple service project?
Blessing Bags are an easy way to spread kindness in your community. This project can take as much time as you want.
If you’re pressed for time, pick of a few little things throw them in a bag and drop them off.
For a more personalized bag you write notes, decorate the bag, add scripture cards, or whatever fits your style.
The heart of the project is to let someone know you care about them.

Materials Needed for the Project:
Gift Bags
Bag Tags (Keep Scrolling for A Free Printable Tag)
Items to put in the bags
Optional: Notecards for personal notes or scripture
Ideas for little gifts to Put in the Bag. Click each idea to see products in Amazon.
Candy (Hershey Bars, Reese's, KitKat)
Choose Your Bag Tag:
Option 1: Click Here for the link to the Free Printable Blessed Bag Tags. This tag encourages the recipient to keep the blessing going. It creates a pay-it-forward type movement in your community.
Group Idea: With this tag you could bless a stranger. For example, a group may divide up areas of the community. Then drop the bag off on any doorstep you please.

Option 2: Click Here for link to Free Printable Thankful, Grateful, Blessed Gift Tags. This tag allows you to choose someone you are thankful for. You can add notes about why you are thankful for or blessed by the person.

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