Color & Pray Instructions

Materials: Bible, coloring journal or color page, colored pencils, pens, markers, & favorite Christian Music
1. Choose a coloring page or a journal page to color.
* I use a coloring journal, so I tend to go in order. I usually just go in order. On the journal

page, I put the date and a few notes about what is going on.
If you are using a coloring page, you can make notes on the back.
2. Google scripture that relates to what is happening. Be sure to type the word scripture before you put your topic or you will just get articles rather than scripture.
Example: Scripture hurt feelings
Galatians 5:16 helped me remember to walk with God through the hurt, rather than saying hurtful things back to a person that hurt my feelings.
Favorite topical Index:
3. Turn on Your Favorite Christian Music, while you pray!
Why Do I Use Christian Music while I pray? Rilley Clemmons: Broken Prayers
The messages in the music help me keep my heart and mind centered on God. That way if my thoughts get mean or unforgiving, I am reminded of all the ways God has helped me and loved me...even when I was being unlovable.
To sum it up: It helps me have Grace. It helps me remember who I am in Christ.
God is the inspiration for the music, so it is easier to connect with Him through it!
4. Start Coloring and Invite Jesus into the Situation.
Name the Situation. Name the Emotions. The goal is to take dark angry feelings and to bring them into the light.
I ask Him to help me stay away from thoughts that are mean towards myself or another person.

5. As you continue to Color lay it out to God.
Why You're Hurt.
All the things you might be afraid to tell anyone else.
6. Dark Thoughts?
* Admit them to God. Ask Jesus to step into the dark thoughts and shine His light.
* Close Your Eyes & Take a deep breath.
*Ask the Holy Spirit to shove away the thought and get it away from you.
(The Holy Spirit is the third part of the trinity. Father, Son, & Holy Spirit. He lives in you, if you believe in Jesus. He is powerful. He can Help You.)
7. Warning: Be Careful of the Spiral Out of Control!
If you feel yourself moving in to a darker angrier space, STOP.
If you are feeling hateful or mean, ask God to help you get down deeper into what is going on in your heart.
Ask for a word or visual that will help you understand what is going on within you.
8. It may take you several sittings to finish a page.
Feel Better? Sometimes I finish the coloring by praising Him for helping me let go of my hurt!
More Christian Songs
Natalie Grant: More Than Anything
Corey Asbury: Reckless Love
Chris Tomlin: Resurrection Power