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Doing MY Best Versus Trying to Be THE Best

Mindset Links


Bring It Into Play

1. What do you think God's plans are for your talent? Have you asked Him? Have you given Him Control?

2. Do you ever feel more or less valuable based on how you perform your talent?

3. Have how is doing YOUR best different than striving to be THE best?

4. In what ways might you hurt someone if you start trying to be THE best in something?

Action Step: Pray. Asking God to help you see the areas in your life where you need to surrender control. Then try to choose at least one area where you need to let go and stop trying to make things happen. Create an action plan to do YOUR best and then let God do the rest.

Today's Words:

God's Plans


Your Best



God, you are an amazing Father. I am amazed by how much you love me. Help me to recognize when I am trying to make things happen, rather than surrendering to your control. I confess that it is difficult for me to let go and believe that you will do amazing things in my life. Thank you for the awesome plans you have for me. Give me the faith to desire to walk in them fully.


Tenth Avenue North- Control

Tenth Avenue North- You Are More

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