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Habit Tracker Printable for Your Light Strand Journal

Tracking Habits can create awareness.

Tired? Maybe you are getting as much sleep as you thought. Track it and see.

Gaining Weight? Track your exercise. Or the amount of junk food you eat.

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Habit trackers can help you analyze your behaviors. AND execute immediate change.


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How to Use a Tracker to Grow Your Faith

1. Write the Habit you want to track along the side.

  • Prayer

  • Bible Study

  • Journaling

  • Attend Faith Related Activities

  • Listen to Christian Music

2. Mark a square in the column if you do the habit. Skip it if you don't.

3. After you track for a few days. Pray and ask God to help you build the desire to do certain habits.

For example, if you are struggling with Bible Study. Talk to God about what is making it hard. Ask Him to connect you with someone that can help you. Or to show you tricks to help you concentrate and connect with scripture.

After you fill the first tracker. Set a goal to increase one of the habits that you want to do more. Write a note on a post-it or right on the habit tracker. Then celebrate your success and reevaluate the goals you want to keep working on.

Remember. Life happens. So give yourself credit for small gains. And start again if you struggled to meet your goal.


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