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Be Kind In All Circumstances

Light Strand Journal Devo:

Spend a few minutes in the Light through this Devo.

Before you start, ask the Holy Spirit to come in and fill the time with light. Express to Jesus what you need today during your time with Him.

Do you like to doodle, letter, or write notes while to spend time with God?


Mindset Link


Bring It Into Play

Being kind even when people don’t deserve it is definitely hard.

Doing so shows the power of the Holy Spirit that lives in you.

Anyone can be kind to nice people. But it is only through God’s strength that we can show unkind people kindness.

Action Step:

Reflect on a difficult time in your life. Was there a time when it was hard to be kind to someone?

Why was it hard?

How did you succeed or fail to be kind?

Is there anything you would do differently, if you could go back?



God. Sometimes it doesn't feel fair that you ask us to be kind to people who are not showing kindness to me. It actually feels like they win. Change my heart on this. Show me how relying on the Holy Spirit to demonstrate kindness and gentleness, when I don't feel like it, actually protects me. Remind me that I can be strong without being cruel. Fill me with your Spirit. Show me the how to be more like you. I love you, God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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