Spend a few minutes in the Light through this Devo.
Before you start, ask the Holy Spirit to come in and fill the time with light. Express to Jesus what you need today during your time with Him.
Do you like to doodle, letter, or write notes while to spend time with God?
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Bring It Into Play
Loving God. Comes through spending time with Him. Seeking His presence with your heart.
The Bible is different than any other book. It’s living and active.
Study it with the expectation that God will reveal Himself through it. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart. To help you to love your creator.
Father God. People say they love you. They can feel you. I want that. Lead me into a relationship with you. I want to be amazed by your presence. To soak in it to help heal my hurts and make me a better person. Show me how to read and understand your word, so it applies to my life. Thanks for being an awesome God. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
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