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Tough Day: Work Through It In The Light


Mindset Link


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Do you ever have tough days? Like you get to the end and you feel emotional and frustrated.

I do. I have learned to work through the emotions in the light.

Picking out good moments/or God moments allows me to see the bright spots in the day. Focusing on the good changes my attitude.

Then I color and talk to God about the crappy parts. The act of coloring allows me to settle in and sort through my feelings.

As I go through the process, I ask the Holy Spirit to work inside me to ease my hurt and help me see situations differently. Finally I release my pain to God.

On big stuff, I may have to work through it for several days. God has never failed me yet. He always heals my hurt.

I keep my sheets in my Light Strand Journal. That way it is all together. And I can take it with me, so I can spend time in the Light anywhere I go.



God. Life can be so hard. Sometimes I try to control things myself. I know I need to bring my hurt to you. And let you work in my troubles. Bring your light in the middle of my struggles. Come near to me and heal my heart. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


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