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Live Generously: Blessing Jars

CGD Chicks was blessed once again by Sue Mechem, who allowed us to apply for Thrivent Financial: Live Generously Grant. The $250 grant allowed Chicks to purchase the supplies for our Blessing Jars.

Each Chicks member was encouraged to gift her Blessing Jar to a young woman within one year of her age, in order to share her faith in Christ, to invite the young women to Chicks, and to bless a friend during this Christmas Season.

Chicks members also enjoyed a loaded ice cream sundae to add to the excitement. It was a fun filled day!

Supplies for the Blessing Jar:

Quart Sized Mason Jars

Red, Green, & White Tissue Paper

Assorted Ribbons


Gift Tags

Colorful Pens

Mechanical Pencils

Locker Magnets

Scripture Stickers

Reeses, Rolos, Jolly Rachers, Snickers, Hershey Kisses etc.

Candy Canes (not mint because it affects the flavor of the other candy)

Chocolate Saint Nic

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