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Brittany Boeset: Future Chicks Leader!

Brittany Boeset (aka Scooters) became an active Chicks member day 1, March 2010. Brittany has added a little drama and a lot of fun and flair to Chicks. Seven years later, she nearing the end of her freshman year of college, and she is on Fire for Jesus!

Did you know that I have it in writing that Brittany is going to come back to Clarion and lead Chicks someday?? Just ask her, she will tell you.

Since joining Chicks in 2010, Brittany has traveled to the Kansas City Revolve Tour, served at Freedom for Youth in Des Moines, rocked out at a NewsBoys concert, attended a purity conference, led Teens 4 God, visited Emmaus Bible College and so much more. No wonder her faith has grown! Look at all the time she has invested in her relationship with Jesus.

The evidence that Brittany was called to be a leader in the faith appeared in High School when she started helping at the Shine girls group and sharing her testimony with younger Chicks members.

All these experiences inspired Brittany and her two best friends, Bailey and

Haley to start a YouTube Channel called Gurl Power. Each week these Jesus loving friends post videos that will encourage your walk with Jesus and make you think.

Check out Brittany's latest video about Crushes Are Crushing! You can't help but smile as you watch.

Please encourage and pray for Brittany, as she continues to step out and become a leader in the Faith!

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